Self Help Programs

Programs residents and non resident property owners and parents can conduct themselves to help improve the community and make their properties, children, and neighborhoods safe.

If your property has 2 or more bedrooms or residences but is only occupied part time, it is a good idea to have somebody local living on the property full time as a caretaker. The caretaker will keep the grounds and buildings maintained and deter squatters, thieves, and vandals, as well as report and handle any problems such as burst water pipes before they become expensive.

After School Art Classes:
Instead of paying kids and teens pocket money invest in some arts classes with a local craftsperson for them to learn how to make things to sell at the markets. This will teach them responsibility and money management and keep them so busy they won’t have time to make trouble, and will be happier and grow into better adults for the experience.

Elderly Art Classes:
Learning new things, solving problems, and being useful is vital for the mental health of everyone. It helps prevent and treat mental illnesses, such as Alzheimer’s and depression. Getting them to sell there wares at the markets also helps with little treats and gets them involved with the community so everybody can look out for everybody.

Vegie Gardens:
Great for all ages to sooth stress, saves money groceries, and gives great healthy food. Plus it something the whole family can do together to bond and share an experience. Plus you can do it in your backyard or in pots on the veranda or windowsill.

Skateboard Park:
Like it or not kids, need healthy things to do that they want to do, else they get bored and make trouble. If they want to skateboard instead of make trouble then get off the sofa and get your neighbors together, get some land and build a skate park. In the USA the parents join in and make it a wholesome family affair, some have community skateboard parks on their own properties. Parents can keep an eye on a bunch of kids at the same time, it's a healthy sport, let the kids skate.

Increase Property Taxes for Non Residents:
Much of the extra police and trouble are because of property and business owners who don't live in or near the region. Out of town property owners don't see or experience the trouble, so it doesn't affect them, but the indirect trouble caused by their absences, costs tax payers money to clean up. That's money that could be spent on  teen and elderly activities, park and beach clean up,  infrastructure upgrades, and grants for artists to beautify the area. Property taxes and rates should be double for non resident property owners to pay for the extra policing and clean up.   If they rented their properties out cheap to low income locals to help the local economy they could get a rebate. It's tough love but it needs to be done so local resources can begin to cope. 

Protect your property from radiation:
Appropriate warning signs to be erected, then raise the buildings 10 feet, pave the land with waterproofed concrete, and then cover with 6 feet of top soil. This creates a barrier so that plants with long roots don’t reach the hot spots and contaminated water doesn’t leach to the surface.

Have fun and grow healthy with your community.